Floating enables you to achieve a deep state of physical & mental relaxation which is very difficult to achieve in any other environment. It's a practice which was researched and developed during the 1950s by physician and neuroscientist John C. Lilly and it is a practice that is widely used today around the globe for various different health and wellness reasons.
By providing both a gravity-free and sensory-reduced environment in the float room, you will experience an incredible sensation of stillness and weightlessness. It's not unusual for people who enjoy regular float sessions to describe this sensation as a feeling of 'returning to the womb' !
Whilst being one of the most relaxing experiences that you could possibly enjoy, having regular float sessions can also help to address a variety of wellness goals too. Such as reducing symptoms of stress/anxiety/low mood, migraine relief, pain management, improved sleeping patterns, clearer thinking and better decision making. It's also effective with helping to increase recovery times from body tensions and sporting injuries.
When the body relaxes in this way the brain relaxes too, which can produce profound changes. In this environment your body is able to fully relax and your spine can decompress relieving aches and pains that you may have been suffering with for weeks, months, or even years. It's not uncommon to hear your body/skeletal system decompressing during your float experience and feeling instant relief when exiting the float room.
At the same time as relaxing your body, your mind also has the opportunity to clear out any noise/chatter and perform a reboot during your float experience, enabling you to think more clearly when you leave us. Many artists, musicians and authors are known to use floating to help eliminate writers-block and allow their creative thoughts and ideas to flow more freely.
Professional athletes and sports people around the globe are also using floatation therapy to help prepare them for and recover from their sporting competitions. Floating regularly not only helps to disconnect from the pressures of every day life, but it can also help with the added pressures of performance demands for professional athletes and sports people. By floating frequently it can help enable them to achieve a more relaxed state of mind and the necessary rest for their body required for optimum athletic recovery, fitness and success.
As covered in this BBC News article in 2019, floatation Therapy has been proving to be helpful for Hampshire Police Officers to better manage symptoms of stress, trauma and PTSD as a result of the demands of their work.
The good news is that the positive effects following a float session can stay with you for up to a couple of days and sometimes even longer!
Allows both the mind & body to completely let go and reset.
Helps you achieve a more relaxed state of mind.
Enables you to disconnect from the pressures of everyday life.​
Improves sleeping patterns & helps with jet-lag.
Helps with achieving much deeper meditation practices.
Relieves stress, anxiety & low mood.
Improves focus & learning abilities.
Clears out brain noise/chatter & encourages creative thoughts/ideas to flow more freely.
Provides an escape from technology (Tech Detox) and allows your mind to perform a 'reboot'.
Eliminates writers-block & enables clearer thinking/better decision making.
Improves muscle fatigue & pain management.
Increases recovery times from body tensions & sporting injuries.
Helps prepare for & recover from sporting events/competitions.
Allows the spine to naturally decompress & alleviate pain.
Reduces cortisol levels (stress hormones) & increases endorphins (happy hormones) in the body.